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What You Need to Know About Caravan Travel


Yes, you have clarified your vacation schedule and rented your caravan to realize your dream. So, how should we proceed after that?



Determine Your Route

The most beautiful thing about a caravan vacation is to be able to freely draw your own route as you want.

The first thing you need to do before planning a route is to decide on your budget. When determining your route, it is necessary to consider the weather conditions and road conditions. First of all, determine the places you want to see and gather information about the caravan camps around. Don't leave your job to chance.



Please note that it may not be possible to enter every camping facility with a caravan.

You can also check out our camping guide pages for this.

Before you go, you can call the camp facilities to see if there are opportunities to meet your needs and get additional information. While there are even markets, restaurants and laundry rooms in some campsites, some of them are enough to meet the basic needs. Therefore, it is useful to be prepared in advance.

At the same time, determining your accommodation in advance will provide you with great convenience throughout the journey.

But still, do not forget that a free holiday with a caravan awaits you. So don't miss out on the luxury of discovering new places.


Requirement list

Once you have decided where you will go and have learned about the possibilities of the destination, now is the time to determine your needs.

Your job will be easier if you have a list of your needs in hand.


It's good to have an emergency kit with you. In case of any illness or injury, it is useful to prepare a bag with tape, baticon and the medicines you use.

There are all kitchen equipment in the vehicle. It will be enough to take food, tea, coffee and a few easy-to-make materials with you.

However, you can also bring your own plates and glasses for personal use according to your needs.

(see our trailer page about what's inside the vehicle)

Cleaning supplies are also available. However, you should bring your own personal care items with you. Don't forget to take your shampoo, hand towel and beach towels with you.


Due to the pandemic, there are no sheets, pillowcases and quilts on the beds.

If you are renting our vehicle during this process, you must take your own linens for your own personal use.


Electricity and Water

During your holiday, the first two things you will need will be electricity and water.

If you are not going to stay in a facility, you will not have electricity problems thanks to our solar panels. We have 200 amo gel batteries in the vehicle to meet the electricity of the refrigerator, all the sockets in the vehicle and the television.

If you are going to stay in a facility, you already get 220 volts of energy from the electrical panels in the facilities.

We also have a 190 lt clean water and 80 lt waste water tank in our vehicle. When the water tank is full, it will meet your needs for about 2-3 days. The water in the waste tank is emptied with a button. In order to maintain environmental cleanliness, we recommend that you do this by pouring it into the gratings. By the way, there is a hose inside the vehicle to fill the water tank.

Since the toilet has a cassette, its waste tank is separate. And the waste dump is also different. When the cassette is full, the green button turns red and you have to take the cassette out and empty it.

It is recommended that you do not travel with the cassette full of waste.

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